Anno 61 (2013) vol. I >>*.pdf intero (2,6 M)
vol. II >>*.pdf intero (3,1 M)
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- Córdoba Chaves Álvaro, C.SS.R., Estructura administrativa de la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor (CSSR) >> pp. I/3-56
1. Administración de un Instituto internacional; 1.1 San Alfonso y la aprobación del Instituto; 1.2 La Congregación es napolitana, transalpina e internacional;
2. Administración y estructuras de la CSSR; 2.1 Comunidades locales; 2.2 Estaciones misioneras; 2.3 Regiones particulares; 2.4 Viceprovincias; 2.5 Pro-vincias; 2.6. Regiones generales; 2.7 Conferencias;
3. Reestructuración de la CSSR; 3.1 Noción de reestructuración redentorista; 3.2 Itinerario y directrices de la reestructuración redentorista; 3.2.1 Antes del Capítulo General del año 2009; 3.2.2 Desde el Capítulo General del año 2009.
- Brudzisz Marian, C.Ss.R., Redemptorist ministry among the polish in the Soviet Socialist Republics of Lithuania and Byelorussia, 1939-1990 >> pp. I/57-121
1. The foundation of the Redemptorists in Wilno-Pośpieszka as their base for the apostolate; 2. The pastoral activities of the Redemptorist Polish community in Wilno-Pośpieszka;
2.1 The Pośpieszka Redemptorists in the early days of World War II; 2.2 In Wilno and the Wilno Region under the first Soviet occupation; 2.3 Pośpieszka under the German occupation; 2.3.1 The Pastoral ministry of the Redemptorists continues; 2.3.2 Father Jan Dochniak’s mission in Prozoroki, Byelo-russia; 2.3.3 Help Given to the Jewish Population; 2.3.4 Defending the Polish nation: correspondence, clandestine courses, and the resi¬stance movement; 2.3.5 Away with the Church and religious congregations; 2.3.6 Pośpieszka in the hands of Archbishop Mieczysław Reinys and «Ostland»; 2.3.7 The Redemptorists after their return to Pośpieszka in 1943; 2.3.8 Social Care; 3. The Redemptorists’ Apostolic Ministry during the dispersion of the com¬munity, 1942-1944;
3.1 Father Franciszek Świątek’s ministry 1942-1944; 3.2 Father Ludwik Frąś, ministry 1942-1944; 3.3 Father Jan Dochniak, ministry 1942-1944; 3.4 Father Stanislaw Grela, ministry 1942-1944;
4. The second Soviet occupation and “repatriation”; 5. Thirty years of Father Franciszek Świątek’s continued apostolate among Poles under the Soviet Regime, 1946-1976;
5.1 Pastoral work in Pośpieszka and Wołokumpia, 1946-1951; 5.2 His «secret mission» to Novogródek; 5.3 Father Świątek in Brasław, Byelorussia, 1952-1959; 5.4 Father Świątek in Czarny Bór (Lithuania), and briefly in Poland, 1959-1964; 5.5 Father Świątek’s last twelve years, 1964-1976; 6. Apostolate of Father Jan Bartos, 1969-1990; Conclusion.
- Leitgöb Martin, C.SS.R., Von der Volksmission zur Volk-Gottes-Mission >> pp. I/123-152
1 Missio externa missio interna; 2 Volksmissionen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert; 3 Alfonso de Liguori und die Volksmissionen der Redemptoristen; 4 Klemens Maria Hofbauer und die „Immerwährende Mission“; 5 Volksmissionen im katholischen Milieu des 19. Jahrhundert; 6 Fortentwicklung und Erneuerung der Volksmission im 20. Jahrhundert.
- Corsius Eric, The theological tradition of the Redemptorists in the life and work of Cardinal van Rossum >> pp. I/153-170
1. The implicit missiological tradition of the Redemptorists; 2. Victor Dechamps’ Apologetics; 3. “Shift to the right” in Moral Theology; 4. Alphonsus’ son in a direct sense;
- Fiore Serafino, C.SS.R., Sant’Alfonso de Liguori e la famiglia Sarnelli >> pp. I/171-193
1. Le notizie; 2. Gli inizi; 3. Un’amicizia “redentorista”; 4. Missionari nella baronia; 5. Redentoristi a Ciorani; 6. Si costruisce. Non senza problemi; 7. Alla morte degli amici; Conclusione.
- Macko Martin, C.SS.R., Unruhiger Exredemptorist Stefan Moró (1803-1884) >> pp. I/195-204
Einführung; 1. Herkunft und Nationalität; 2. In der Kongregation; 3. Nach dem Austritt; 4. Persönliches Profil Stefan Morós.
- Addrizza Michele (†), C.SS.R., Cenni biografici sulla vita del R. P. D. Luigi Bivona amico del Signore, servo buono e fedele. – Introduzione, trascrizione e note di Giuseppe Russo, C.SS.R. >> pp. I/205-254
Premessa; Prologo
Parte Prima: Il sacerdote diocesano: 1. Un’anima eletta; 2. Un novello Gonzaga, un piccolo s. Luigi; 3. Si sente chiamato allo stato ecclesiastico; 4. Luigi pianta eletta del santuario; 5. Sacerdote secondo Dio; 6. Arciprete nel suo paese natale; 7. Parroco modello; 8. Fedele discepolo di s. Alfonso; 9. È odiato perché fa il proprio dovere; 10. Con zelo lavora per la salute delle anime; 11. Il padre dei poveri; 12. La santità fa vivere in Gesù Cristo ed opera prodigi; 13. La calunnia.
Parte Seconda: Il religioso redentorista: 14. Alla ricerca di una soluzione; 15. Novizio a Sciacca; 16. Il missionario; 17. Un vero apostolo; 18. La soppressione della casa di Sciacca e l’esilio a Malta; 19. A Roma vive nel raccoglimento; 20. Vive di fede; 21. Assiduo studioso di s. Agostino e la sua morte.
- Nyanda Patrice, C.SS.R., Les Rédemptoristes au Burkina-Niger entre 1946 et 1996 >> pp. II/257-338
I. Projet de fondation des Rédemptoristes dans la colonie du Ni-ger; 1. Remarques Préliminaires; 2. La Société des Missions Africaines de Lyon; 3. La figure incontournable du Père Constant Quillard; 4. L’intuition du P. Quillard; 5. Le «Missi» Rédemptoriste;
II. Tractations diverses dans l’élabo¬ration du projet; 1. Du côté des Rédemptoristes; 2. Du côté des Missions Africaines de Lyon; 3. Vers l’approbation du projet; 4. Établissement des premiers Rédemptoristes; 5. Vers la création d’une nouvelle Préfecture Apostolique; 6. Fada N’Gourma et Niamey sont promus: 1959-1964; 7. Le déploiement de l’activité missionnaire sur les deux terri-toires: 1965-1996; 8. Retour à la case départ: Vice-Province du Burkina-Niger;
Conclusion générale.
- Enderle Gilbert A., C.SS.R., Louis F. Gillet (1813-1892), Redemptorist in Immigrant America, Founder of Women Religious, Cistercian Monk >> pp. II/339-383
An overview – Back to beginnings – The young priest Louis Florent Gillet – The call to the American frontier – Gillet preaching a mission within days – On to Baltimore, Maryland – Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere and the call to Michigan – Early days in the Diocese of Detroit – Monroe, Michigan: a Redemptorist French-language foundation begins – Building projects in Monroe – The religious sisters are founded at Monroe – A growing community and ministry in Monroe – The year 1847 began well, and then… – Briefly in New Orleans – A meeting in St. Louis with Bernard Hafkenscheid – The critical meeting, Hafkenscheid and Gillet, Philadelphia, March 25, 1849 – Mid-1849 until early 1855 – Return to Europe in 1855, and his petition for reinstatement – A new life, 1856-1858: parish priest in France and a sea voyage – Living and dying at Hautecombe monastery, Savoy region of France – In early 1891, renewed contact with the sisters he founded – Father Gillet’s final days – Conclusion.
- Sadowski Maciej, C.SS.R., An Aristocrat among Missionaries A Missionary among Aristocrats. Father Bernard Łubieński (1846-1933) in the Service to Abundant Redemption >> pp. II/385-406
Biographical sketch; Tireless missionary «Poland’s Apostle»; Es-teemed retreat preacher for clergy and laity; Epilogue.
- Nanni Stefania, The Spiritual Songs of Saint Alphonsus M. Liguori >> pp. II/407-423Hayes Patrick J., The Francis Xavier Murphy, C.SS.R., (1914-2002). Collection of the Baltimore Province Archives: A Bibliography >> pp. II/425-462
Content of the Murphy Papers – Biographical data Bibliography: Books – Monographs – Articles.
- Russo Giuseppe, C.SS.R., La triste vicenda del p. Vincenzo Trapanese, (1801-1856). La situazione storica in cui visse il p. Trapanese >> pp. II/463-497
I. La situazione storica in cui visse il p. V. Trapanese
II. L’elogio funebre del p. Francesco Citarella
- Giuseppe Orlandi, C.SS.R., (1935-2013). In memoriam. Bibliografia, a cura di Adam Owczarski, C.SS.R. >> pp. II/499-516
In memoriam – Bibliografia – Libri ed Edizioni – Saggi, Articoli e Voci di enciclopedia.
- Notizie bibliografiche >> pp. II/517-542
- Indice dei Nomi >> pp. II/543-557
- Indice dei Luoghi >> pp. II/559-569
- Indice degli Autori e Recensioni 2003-2013 >> pp. II/571-592
